Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move Out of the Way Nerds - the Landaus Take Comicon

We dropped Dave off at Union Station bound for San Diego on Thursday morning. By Saturday morning we were missing Daddy so much that we decided to pack up the car and head to San Diego for the day.
Bea and I only had about an hour to kill before Dave was done with his shift and the fun could begin. We had a little lunch, did a little swimming (with Ninjas - for real), and played monsters. The above picture is Bea showing her terrible claws. Grrrr!

It was a nice break from the heat and enough of a visit to get us all through the rest of the weekend. Dave's going out of town once more this week but, thankfully (for us - he'll be exhausted) this is not an overnight stay. Here's Dave gnashing his terrible teeth. I can't wait to have my monster family back together.